About Fountainstown
Fountainstown Beach is an east-facing, gently sloping, sandy/shingle beach. It is bounded to the north by a low rocky cliff, to the south by rocky outcrops and to the west by a concrete wall with the public road and car park adjoining the beach. Fountainstown Swamp which is a proposed Natural Heritage Area (pNHA 000371) is situated to the north of the beach. The beach is used to some extent by anglers and for windsurfing.. View available amenities and tide information at Beaches.ie.
Latest Annual Bathing Water Quality Report
Fountainstown is classified as achieving Excellent Water Quality in 2023 based on the assessment of bacteriological results for the period 2020 to 2023. Fountainstown has achieved an Excellent Water Quality rating for the four consecutive years 2020 to 2023. Annual water quality ratings are generally calculated using monitoring results over a four-year period and are assessed against stringent bacterial limits to protect bather health.